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Somos un grupo de 3 estudiantes Españoles enamorados África que hemos asistido como voluntarios en Kenia ya dos años seguidos en dos proyectos diferentes. 

Al finalizar nuestras experiencias, se hicieron tan palpables los proyectos en los que estábamos trabajando que nos dimos cuenta que se necesitaban de gente como nosotros que decidiera acudir de forma altruista a ayudar.

David nos pidió a título personal intentar promover este tipo de iniciativas en nuestro país de origen y entre nuestros círculos de contactos para asegurar una continuidad a estos proyectos y un mejor futuro a todas las personas que los integran en Kenia.

Pedro V. Esteban









Soy un estudiante de Negocios Internacionales y Relaciones Internacionales en la UEM. Antes de decidirme a estudiar este grado estuve trabajando en áreas técnicas vinculadas a IT, electrónica y automoción en Burgos, mi ciudad de origen.


Las razones por las que me decanté a hacer este voluntariado fueron mis ganas de conocer el continente Africano y el miedo a no poder realizar una experiencia similar en el futuro una vez estuviera trabajando de nuevo.


Al ver que la Universidad ofertaba un proyecto, que me cuadraban las fechas y que el coste final no se disparaba, no me lo pensé dos veces y me inscribí.


Para mí ha sido una de las experiencias más enriquecedoras de mi vida, sobre todo a nivel personal. Vivir el día a día en Kenia de la manera en la que lo hicimos te hace reflexionar sobre muchos aspectos de la vida que tomamos por dados, en gran parte debido a la sociedad en la que estamos inmersos.


¡Os animo a dar el paso como voluntarios en Kenia!

David Monari









Volunteerism is not a new phenomenon; it has been with us for many years. It is a situation where people commit their time and skills for the common good without expecting monetary rewards for their efforts.


Volunteering contributes immensely to the development of communities, especially to those communities in sub Saharan Africa. The productivity of volunteers is maximised when individual volunteers with special gifts is targeted and matched with the community problem/challenge.


Some times, community based organisations are targeted for capacity building through volunteers, thereby increasing the capacities of these communities. Through volunteers, IADP and Volunteer Challenge, professionals and young people are given the chance to educate the poor on sustainable agriculture, dangers of HIV/AIDS, health care, business or wealth creation, so that we can improve lives of more than 60% of Kenyans living on less than a dollar per day.


IADP and Volunteer Challenge match appropriately the talents of volunteers, thus helping to create wealth, improve livelihoods and increase inter-cultural understanding and tolerance in Eastern Africa, hence contributing to make this world a better place to live.


The power of volunteerism is immense. Let us take time to calculate wealth generated by volunteers, if 5 million health adults volunteered for only one hour in a day. That will translate to 5 million man hours or 166,600 days. Divide that by five working days, you get 55,555 weeks or 222 years. This is the kind of resources that will accrue to the society. However, the concept of volunteerism is a win-win situation, because the volunteers also benefit in terms of training, exposure, networks, personal fulfillment and experience.    


Throughout history the power of volunteering has been harnessed to change society for the better. It is well illustrated in Kenya through freedom struggle where people dedicated energy, time and money to gain independence from the British. Similarly, this volunteerism spirit was demonstrated in India’s independence movement, Anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa, Americas’ civil rights movement and more recently the Indonesian Tsunami. In fact, volunteering is as old as mankind and it is slowly picking up in Kenya.  


Martin Luther King Once said, insecurity anywhere, is insecurity everywhere. This insecurity may be as a result of poverty or anarchy, whatever the cause; it results in making this global village insecure. Hence the need for all us to tackle the problem of poverty today before it becomes a time bomb.

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